Saturday 12 December 2009

Happy birthday Bob's Blog

It’s been two years today that I made my first post. Since that time I’ve made to date 470 posts with I hope not repeating myself to often. I’ve made some new friends via the site and had the opinions of lots of folk on some of the things I’ve said. Not all of them have been complimentary. I have only had one offensive comment which never got published. My first comment was a week after my first post and from a friend who I had no idea used google. What surprised me most was the international interest in the site with 56 countries visiting since end of May.
I have used the site to promote our fight for better health facilities in our area and I intend to continue with this. Local newspaper picked up on the clinic campaign form reading the blog.
The down side is that I started the blog just after being diagnosed with the condition I have to live with and probably die from. I have tried to report on my feelings and concerns at times but without making it an overriding aspect of my life. I’m not about to give in although at times life is getting more difficult.
Many happy returns Bob’s blog


Fat Prophet said...

Well done Bob, hope to see many more years!!

Bob Piper said...

And long may you and BtBCB continue to be a thorn in the side of the powerful and pompous! I'll raise a glass tonight!

sean gould said...

happy birthday bobs blog keep up the good work

Bob the Black Country Brummie said...

Thank you all for your good wishes

David said...

Congratulations - always an interesting read