Tuesday, 16 September 2008

200 not out.

If you had told me back in December when I made my first posting on this blog that I would still be doing it 200 posts later I would have laughed at you. But here I am still largely talking to myself. That’s not entirely true from comments I have received and phone calls I have a small but distinguished readership here in Sandwell and beyond. So thank you all for your comments because I suppose that is what we bloggers need, recognition. Until I retired I had never actually written much except for technical stuff and I had never even considered writing poetry or indeed a play, short story or a blog. Come to think of it when I retired there were no such things as blogs. I’m not running out of things to say, in fact I am often spoiled for choice by some of the cranky things that happen during a week. Some of my regular features I hope to continue ie Pensioners Against Brown and I hope to find new regular topics as we progress. My health issues have slowed me somewhat and will continue to do so but when all else fails I can still sit at my computer. So thank you all and keep commenting.


Bob Piper said...

Congratulations, Bob. I wouldn't worry about whether anyone reads it or not. I regard my blog as a sounding board, a soapbox, a chance to get things of my chest, an opportunity to pontificate or take the p, a diary, a reference site to other blogs, and frankly, people can read it or not, and I don't give a hoot!

Just have fun!

Bob the Black Country Brummie said...

Thanks for your comment Bob as usual good common sense stuff. I suppose having fun is true and I have got a lot of things of my chest. Sorry if I peeded off to many councillors but some of the things needed to be said and I intend to carry on saying them

sean gould said...

heres to the next 200
look forward to reading them