Wednesday 10 September 2008

Sandwell Park Farm

I have commented several times recently about the meanness of Sandwell Council in introducing charges for admission to this site for pensioners during week days. Last night there was an excellent report in the express & Star about the massive reduction in numbers since the introduction of charges. They have apparently fallen from 21277 to 7190 in April of this year. This is all being blamed on the fact that Easter fell in March this year. Sandwell Council Leisure Chief Cllr. Linda Horton is quoted as saying “the charges had not put people off coming to the farm” I know Linda and I like her and respect her judgement. Normally she has a very pragmatic down to earth approach to these things but on this occasion I wonder what twerp of a council officer is advising her on this one. Linda I can tell you that pensioners are virtually boycotting this site because of the charges. Honest luv it’s a fact. I know of lots of older people including bob the Black Country Brummie and his missies who will start visiting again once the charges are removed. I miss my breakie and coffee in the cafĂ©. So come on you lot start living in the real world. You can see I’ve been following dear Gordon and his entourage this week can’t you using terms like the “real world”. I wonder just where that is. Answers in the comments box please but Linda have another look at this silly policy of charging pensioners during the week please.
There are better facilities at the other end of the valley at RSPB. Car parking is for the moment free, good toilet facilities, again free, you can get a cup of coffee and excellent walks.

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