Wednesday 19 March 2008

I’m new to this blogging stuff

I did a bit of a review of my recent posts and I seem to have been banging on a bit about our local councillors. If you get the idea that I’m a little disappointed with them you would be right. However today I promise not to mention politics again. It’s been a lovely day and having got out the mower for the first time at the weekend the garden is starting to look cared for again. My neighbours and I did the front area which now looks well cared for. I have a nice feeling of satisfaction whenever I walk towards our house and see the grass properly cut, the bushes pruned and a few daffs starting to flower. The crocuses my neighbour planted around our Oak are starting to fade but we all enjoyed about a month of their beauty. We still get the occasional dropped bottle or chip paper but on the whole very little litter. I have a view that there is a direct correlation between areas plagued by litter and crime. It’s not the only reason but there is a clear link. The biggest litter makers in our road are the green bin collectors who seem to make a habit of leaving tin lids and paper strewn across the road. Generally though our bit of Newton is a pleasant place to live. Spring is just around the corner, the birds are starting to build their nests and the light nights are upon on us. Have a nice day. Blimey I'm getting soft.

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